The newest member of the Ragusa family! Swiss White Chocolate Confectionery with caramelised milk powder, truffle filling and whole hazelnuts.
The invention Ragusa goes back to 1942 when commodities such as cocoa were difficult to obtain. Camille Bloch completed a fine chocolate shell with a mass of ground hazelnuts and added whole nuts. Chocolate and filling in layers were poured into flat shapes and a rectangular cut. While searching for a name for this new product, Camille Bloch recalled the city of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik in Croatia), where he had once spent a holiday. Finally, he chose this well-sounding name - and because it fit for all languages.
Best before date: 31/12/2024. A ‘Best Before’ date refers to the quality of the food. This date gives you an idea of when the food should be eaten if you want to eat it at its best quality. After the ‘Best Before’ date it is likely that the quality of the product may begin to change. It isn’t a safety issue and food can still be sold by shops beyond its ‘Best Before’ date as long as it’s still fit to eat.